Saturday 26 September 2020


The World of Internet

You Are under attack. know these tips to be safe while on internet,Learn these ways to stay safe from hacking .

Don't use Free WiFi on public places

 The best way to stay safe is not to use public WiFi's ,public hotspot. you may never know the intention of the hacker. hackers can easily attack your device and can take your private data without your knowledge. In the world of internet nothing is impossible ,what is needed is knowledge .so  being safe is always a best option. Public WiFi mostly available on hotels ,motels ,restaurants ,schools ,offices , stations etc may have some bad intentions. moreover there are some hotspot which claims to provide free internet on these places are designed for the bad purposes. Using VPN  can solve a problem to some extent .Because these VPNs are designed to protect users data leakage by creating a channel .so always use VPN whenever you need to use public WiFi. Know more

Don't use same password over different websites and login portals

Be aware of pishing websites

some websites looks similar but may not be the one you searched .So you should be aware about that. So before enter ing any private inforemation on any sites you should be conscious about your privacy.Most of the fishing is done through publilc wifis and through using unsecured and untrusted DNS provider. Always be aware of your DNS. see more

Download apps and softwares only from trusted sources 

Never use untrusted apps and programs,they are the major hacking agents these days. Download  apps only from the trusted sources like playstore for android and ios app store for apple and only from other verified sources .The untrusted apps contain malacious codes which runs on the background thar might be leaking your data or uploading or downloading without your prior notice

Know which apps is using what permission

You should only assign  required permission to the apps , some apps are using permissions which they should never use or they might be using for illigal purpose like tracking you , keeping eye over you and many more.

Use truseted DNS only

DNS stands for Domain name system ,these are the services provided by some companies which are used to assign ip addressess to the sites, Whenever we search for some websites ,its going to dns service provider where it searches for the ip address and takes our request to the correct ip addresses and fineally we are communicating to the right server, some dns provider might transfer request to unknown site and get the datas like password ,login information and and many more . so always use proper Dns . Google dns could be the best pereferred as this is  trusted .

Dont keep bluetooth and Wifi  buttons clicked on

Bluetooth is the most unsecure medium ,this is the most vulnerable item which is very easy to hack. so it is always a wise decision to close it off after use and only give permission to the right device.

Hide your notification 

some information are private and useful . some notification can be a useful point for hacker .so always keep your notificatin hidden so that only you have permission to see the notification. Whenever you lost your devices it can protect you from leaking your private information.

Don't use publicly available power bank

There are data cables at public places . Dont use it or use it with precaution , because it might leak yout data. you may not have idea about the background processes so be aware and conscious. Instead you can carry a power  Bank and a data cable with you . 

keep "Find My Device On"

keep this setting on to make sure that you can atleast erase all the data of your device, This can also be very useful when you lost you devices .


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